Wow what a great Thursday TT we had, I think that may have been one of our best, I certainly had fun but that may have been because I wasn't riding 10 miles fast into a headwind!!!
We had a great selection of abilities and a couple of "never done a TT before", I'm thinking we will see those fellas again, and a nice ladies turnout too which is great to see from a female perspective, honestly if ypu haven't given it a go yet you really should, "oh but it's too serious and people will expect me to go really really fast and I'll be so slow etc etc" I can almost hear you say, truth is its for everybody, the ONLY person you are competing against is yourself, and yes it's serious but only when your riding because let's face it when your speeding along you can't afford not to be serious, but then once the 10 miles fast is done it's ALL about the cake and the comaraderie afterwards, there is noone that ever judges what time you get, from the fastest to the slowest (OK this is generally me but someone's gotta be last) the mutual respect is awe inspiring and honestly watching this and being part of this at the end of the TT is amazing,
I guess what I'm trying to say is TT is for all so if you fancy pinning a number on and earning your coffee and feeling proud that you took yourself out of your comfort zone, we got ya!!
Or if your not quite ready for that, come along and volunteer or have a cheer at the riders as they whizz along the road and see what it's all about, then have a mill about at the end and see if it's something you want to be a part of,
Massive thanks to 2 of our lovely NEVS who were roving photographers this week so we have lots of pics, (ones in this blog are courtesy of Tryst) we also had our lovely turn point marshalls Darren and Shane, Our glamorous start ladies Shirley and Karen ( yes I said glamorous 😉) our fabulous Mrs D at sign in, and Mr D and Peteski making sure it all didn't go terribly wrong, and of course our fabulous riders
Love your enthusiasm Karen,who wouldn't want to give a TT a go after that write up. Please keep it up.💕